
When You Do Believe In It You Will Easy To Get It

Minggu, 25 November 2012

First Words

It's my first note in this blog. It's my new blog ^^ I love this one for the first slight. Hahaha It isn't mean I don't love my other blog, but this blog will help me become more know about true life.
Look like too hard for a young girl like me, but I'll do my best to make it become beautiful blog.

For first, I will introduce myself, my name is Lia Purnamasari. I'm 19 years old for now. Still become a burden for my parents, and can't life alone without relief from them.

I'm an ordinary girl. But I don't want be same with any other. Work more hard than other and always keep high motivation.

Love reading so much, and sometimes I'll learn to writing. I ever heard someone said something like this "Book is the window of the world." and did you know something? I'm very glad because of that word. I can find everything in the books. Everything!

So, I hope everyone which accidentally or unfortunately find this blog, please forgive me for every words inside this blog. And please don't blame, hate, even kill me anymore. I just wanna sharing here.

With humility, with love. 

1 komentar:

  1. thank you miss lia
    this your blog can help us to learn english
    cause your blog use english language
    and the words are usefull
